Wednesday, November 21, 2007


Woke up this morning, late of course and anxious. Had to drive to my dads to drop off little C for the day and tonight, biggest going out night of the year in my little town and going out with my mom so that should be lots o fun!!! she is the best date ever!!
Anyways back to the anxiety......Left my house and got on the road only to realize I forgot my phone, I suddenly felt sick about it, pathetic how a phone could do that to me, anyways it's not like I'm getting phone calls left and right or anything actually pretty sad lately, I'll be happy when the bill comes at least!
So dropped off little C and got back on the road to work when seriously ALL OF THE SUDDEN I was starving, no no no not just starving but the kind of starving when you feel like you want to vomit all over (sorry) and like you insides are turning inside out, that little creature from alien is working its way around and you want to yell at everyone to get the hell out of your way so you can make it to the drive thru without any accidents,,,, yeah well that was nothing compared to what I felt.
I knew that even though I was so hungry it was going to be a situation where either I deal with the pain or I have an episode......Lately I have no control or I feel that way at least, funny because when I engage that is usually the only time I feel in control, but needless to say I lost this particular battle. My urges have not been so strong since before my last treatment, I think I am just feeling so much anxiety about thanksgiving and the fact that tomorrow is 2 months since my nana passed away and I'm really having a difficult time with that!
My M issues have lifted a bit which feels pretty good, however this feeling of being desperate to call which is what I AM dealing with is the crazy hard part. I have stayed strong since last week so that feels both good and bad, how can you miss someones voice soooooo much?

SO I have been trying to think of a fun art project to do with little C tomorrow and having a hard time coming up with one, I'm no good at that kind of stuff.....Beth had the great idea so props to you babe! Any suggestions I would love to hear!!!

Well I won't most likely be posting for a while, I know things will be crazy this week and weekend, AM I READY???? Not sure all I can to is try, try ,try to do my best. Not going to punish myself for today just going to move forward from it!!! Best idea I think.


PTC said...

Hey Lauren, just take care of yourself, okay?! Don't beat yourself up over stuff.

Jade said...

I know we're fairly new to each other, and hopefully I'm not being too forward by saying so, but...Lauren, you don't deserve punishment. In your last line of your post you stated "Not going to punish myself for today just going to move forward from it!!! Best idea I think."

Like I said, I know I don't know you very well, but I can tell that you're a very warm and caring person that is full of wonderful potential. Punishment is not necessary. Love, support, and encouragement sounds like the right prescription for ya.

If there's anything I can ever do to help out your day, please feel free to drop a note. You can get me on yahoo IM on jadedsoul2002 or e-mai me at

I'm sure you have tons of great friends, but if you ever need another, I'm around ;-)