SO I felt it was time for me to continue!
The Monday following the death of my nana my family went to the mortuary to go over arrangement for the service. It was so hard. My mom had to hand over the last outfit my nana would ever was perfect.
My mom held onto it so tightly and I could tell she was just not ready to give it over yet but being the strong amazing woman she was she managed to do it.
I was with my family for a few hours and then decided it was just time for me to have some much needed ME time. Sad to say but I went to the bar and drank, alone, I did not know what else to do.
I ended up going into work for about 2 mins on Tues and was sent home only to return Monday of this week, my boss has truly been a god sent.
Thursday came too fast as did the service. It was beautiful and there were some of the most amazing flowers there that I had ever seen. My nana would have been so happy.
We were all really sad but held it together somewhat ok. That was until I saw the urn that was picked out for my nana by my nana's brother, I had heard about it but had not yet seen it............It was terrible it looked like a fucking BOOK! I totally broke down, I could not think of my nana being in a book for the rest of eternity, made me so sad.
Her brother is a .................I'll be nice.
I decided to speak at the service which was something I wanted to do but was not sure I could. I had an extremely difficult time doing it but somehow made it through.
My uncle got really religious and there was another man who spoke that could barely talk he was so upset, it felt so good to see that my nana had such an impact on so many others, when I got up, what I said was very personal and from the heart, I talked about a few memories and mostly what I was going to miss, not really into sharing everything but I did say that I was going to miss walking into her house and having her come over and hold my face with her gentle sweet loving hands and kiss me! Something I know I will miss forever!
I think I'm going to end Part two at that!!
Lots has been going on with me in my life and with my roomie lately but I think I will wait for the outcome on that one before I begin to tell the drama.
On a good not I have not purged in.....................damn I cannot even remember the last time! No binging either.......How did that happen???????
Good job on the no B&Ping!!! That is so so so awesome, and the best news I've heard.
Big hugs Sweetheart.
hi, sweet lauren.
I agree with frida, the no B/P is the best news I have heard today too. My heart sings a song for you, sweet and beautiful woman.
much love
Thank you ff and lulu- I love you ladies!!!
Hi Lauren... happy to know you are coming back in one hole piece. Seems to me you may mis your nanna, but she still lives strongly in your heart. So there will be always a way to feel her kisses and hands on your cheeks.
Funny... we have never met but I'm really happy you're back...
You are doing pretty darn amazing not resorting to b/p to deal with the pain, and to have the strength to talk about her at the funeral. AND good for you for giving yourself some alone time, no matter what form you needed it to be.
Thinking about you today, do take care!
I'm so happy you have entered into my life, and am so grateful for this world of ours!
If really feels good to know people I have never met care so much for me!
xoxo to you Lauren
DG- Girl you have become so precious to me, thank you for your words that ALWAYS seem to leave me with a smile on my face!!
Love Lauren
Nana sounds like she was a wonderful woman, and I'm so proud of you for speaking at her funeral. That must have been so hard.
And I'm really glad to hear about no b/p . . . amazing. . . you're amazing my sweet sister!
My sweet sister Sarah I can't think of anything else to say after that than I love you hun!
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