I had to double click on it to make sure....haha
Not tons to tell about my B-Day was lots of laughs and many awkward moments but all in all I had a great time oh and many many shots and singing which was def a sight to see and HEAR!~!.
Dealt with the drama of a few of my friends which was a bit lame because it all had to do with their boyfriends and that bugged the heck out of me however I tried to understand the deal. Just was hard because I did not get to spend it with M when other than my mom and gf E being with me I just wanted him there. M's ex was one of the girls who came out with me and the one who caused the most drama for me and herself, she acted like she was 6 years old, asking me to talk to her boyfriend for her over and over and then getting mad at me for talking to him......God grow up!
I spent Sat night after the wedding and Sunday afternoon and night with M which was amazing,,,,, We are actually going out on a REAL date on Friday,,,,I cannot wait, I'm so tired of hiding......
One pic I posted is of me and my gf and my mom....I had to share....my momma is f'ng amazing and the most beautiful woman in the world to me!
No b/p'ng all weekends actually had a bit of a hard time but managed to control and calm myself down, I have been listening to a CD that I got from Robert when my nana passed and it really helps.
I felt like a total tubby on Friday and Sat at the wedding but "who gives a shit"? Right?????? Ugh now all I have to do is believe it myself!!! hahaha! Today's a new day..... I had an ok time with my sadness about my nana this weekend however had a few breakdowns,,,, day by day I guess....just like everything else in my life!!!!
Tomorrow is my little mans BDay,,he will be 3y/o how in the heck did that happen???? CRAZY!!!!!! We are doing dinner out and prezzies and cake with my mom then he has a party on Sunday...please pray for it not to rain for me!!!!!!!!!!
Ok I'm tired and so full from my daily dose of tuna I think I'm going to pop!!!!
Love you all and thank you for the amazing birthday wishes!!!!!
Aw, you're beautiful! And happy birthday to your little one!!!
hey you, gorgeous! I'm glad your bday was nice overall--and with another one this weekend--I hope you have a nice time!!!
You sound like you are still really, really moving forward. You are such a strong lady, Lauren.
So pretty, you look much younger than 30! Way to go for not binging, that is sooo hard to stop.
You really are stunning, Babe.
Can you message me your number again? Cuz I'm gonna take you up on calling in these next few days.
Is that smiling lioness a girl called Lauren?
Oh, my God... oh, my God... she's so gorgeous...
(Glad to see you smilling. That's the way. Good ones live in our hearts. That's enough. And therefore they are happy when seeing us smile).
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