Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Follow up

I told her I was no whore and she wrote this:

"U sure are. Backstabbing bitch. don't think that this will ever be okay or you will ever be allowed around little A with your bulemic pill popping habbits you sick coward. You told everything to him, I would never have done this to you, never."


Mary said...

Toxic, toxic, toxic. Relationships like this aren't worth it sweetie. I know it doesn't feel good (trust me, I KNOW!) but it is better to just let these relationships go, focus on being honest and true to yourself, getting better, moving forward.

So sorry, hon. Take yourself out of the loop by letting it go, and not responding to her anymore.

sarah said...

ugh, lauren, I have a pit in my stomach just thinking about this.

stay strong and true to yourself, sweetie, and don't let her pull you into her drama. you deserve more.

treat yourself with dignity and integrity, and you can' t go wrong...

sending much love.


lauren said...

Thank you dg, I'm listeneing to you and not going to reply!
xoxo lauren

lulu-I'm trying to remember I'm a good person but damn I'm having one hell of a time, I feel really alone right now!
God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.
love you

sarah said...

lauren, you are loved. deep breath, do NOT let her toxic words infect your heart. breathe deep and look at the sunshine and the image of your little C's face and try to remember that we all do the best we can, with what we have, and that we all want to be loved.

you will get through this.

her responses tell me that you deserve more than she can offer you as a friend, that's for sure.

much love,

Feisty Frida said...

I would totally stop replying to anything that comes from her, in fact, before reading anything, just delete it.