Tuesday, November 27, 2007

HEEHEE I am smiling!!!!!

I hate been sitting here all day trying to avoid even looking at my blog due to the complete lack of interest to post about ME!
I have been trying to catch up on all of you and in some way that helps me to just ignore the fact that I have no want or need to talk about me.
But like always when I don't want to that is usually when it needs to happen the most.
This little holiday break was so good for me and little C. He ended up spending Wednesday night with my dad which was good because my mom and I had a date night which ended up turning into a huge date, M came out and a few of my moms guy friends. It was weird I had not talked to M at all and then he sent me a text asking me if I was going out and I said yes, he wanted to hang.
I know I know pathetic but yet again I wanted to believe it was "real"!
We all actually had a great time.
I went and got little man on tg morning and went back to my moms where we spent the day. we ended up making home made Christmas cards for the grand parents and aunts and uncles. It was so much fun, paper, glitter, glue, stamps, ribbon, all kinds of stuff and little c loved every minute of it! They turned out AWESOME!!!! God he is amazing.
We ended up having dinner which consisted of king crab, asparagus, salad, and french bread. It was perfect..... Little c had steak!! YUCK!
I was so grateful to be with my mom and little c, I could not have picked a better setting other than if my nana could have been there. TG was her 2 months since passing. It was a hard day due to that, but being able to talk about her and to her was so what both my mom and I needed! God I miss her!!!!!!!!
M ended up coming over (wait you know what.......I'm DONE! I actually no longer want to give him anymore of my precious energy let alone blog space!) YIPPY I'm actually smiling!!!! Ha is that possible? Guess what it may not be but I am!!! First real one concerning him and a LONG time!!!!!!!!

Ok so I just got a phone call from someone and I cannot tell you how happy I am...It was a voicemail but I will be calling back soon! Not ready to say who until we chat but I will fill you in as soon as I know it's ok!

Anyways back to my weekend, little c and I hung out the whole time just him and I and it was such needed mommy and me time!!!!!!!!!
Ugh work just got really busy so this is it for now!!!
Love and best wishes to you all!!!!


PTC said...

Sounds like you had a great few days, Lauren. It's nice to hear ya happy!

Carla said...

I love the excitement, Lauren.

You are an amazing woman. Never forget that.

Beth said...

Oh no, Lauren,you fell into the M trap again! Doesn't he always make you mad in the end? Hey, I've done that before, too, so I understand.

I'm so glad you've found a way to be happier! Who is this person you spoke to?

Take care this week!

Mary said...

Such a positive post, I love to hear it from you! Have a great day, sweetie!