Friday, April 20, 2007

WORD at last!!!!!

I got the phone call I have been waiting for...........................I was accepted into the program!!!! FINALLY, can you believe it??? Well I still don't know all the details but I do know that they want me to start on Monday or Tuesday however I'm gonna try for next Monday so that I can get all of my shit and stuff for little C in order.
Oh my freaking god, I was just telling ff that I know I should be happy about all of this and in a way I guess I am but mostly I'm scared shit less. I felt my heart in my throat when Jennifer called me. I wanted to hang up when she gave me the word because all that meant was that this is real and that now I'm gonna have to face all of my stuff which I'm so scared about because who the hell knows what it is and why my head is such a freaking mess right now!
I feel totally lost and outta control at this moment, I have b/p'd 3 times already since I found out 2 hours ago~
I don't know how I'm ever gonna get threw this but Fu&k I'm gonna do it even if it physically hurts which I know it will!

I think right now I'm more scared of facing my own faults more than anything, god knows there are tons. Another thing that I am completely freaked out about is being in therapy for 12 hours a day, ugh art therapy, group therapy, swim therapy, one on one therapy, meditation classes, after hours group, MEALS!!!!!!! ICKY SO NOT READY for that one! Positive body image classes, those are always great! When I was in my last IP program, we used to have to stand in front of this mirror that was completely circled around us and look at our body and point to every part and tell why we loved or hated that part, I always had such a hard time with that because the only part I like about myself was my eyes, and they were almost off my list because of being sunken in!
Swim therapy was also difficult for me because my therapist was a man and I hated him seeing me in a bathing suit let alone me see myself in one, especially next to all of the other girls who were so much thinner than I was.
OMG what if everyone hates me???? I'm definitely a love me or hate me person, not sure why but people always think I'm a bitch when they meet me. They say I don't smile and that makes me look like a snob. I always ask what in the hell do I have to smile about? They usually get over it and accept me but what if they all just think I'm some stupid fatty who has no reason what so ever to be there? Oh my god I'm gonna lose it. I so wish I could go with someone I knew because then maybe I would not be feeling all this pressure. I'm so not looking forward to opening up to a bunch of people I don't know, but then again I do that almost everyday here and it has been nothing but a positive experience for me! Thanks to all of you of course! So maybe I just need to listen to myself for a minute and take a deep breath and remember little C and what an amazing gift he is that was given to me and I need to do this for him if nothing else. He is so my entire life! I'd be lost without him.
OMG again what am I gonna do without him with me everyday? Ok why was that not my first thought? I'm such a shity mom for that, why on earth would I think about anything else? I guess that just shows where my head is at with this whole thing!!
I can barely carry him into his car seat anymore with out feeling like I'm going to collapse afterwards, He wants me to hold him all the time and I want to but I am completely weak when it comes to doing it all the time! I HATE THIS LIFE OF ED!
I HATE this damn ed so much. I want it to just die!!!!!!
Will it ever???? Is this all worth it? Am I wasting my time doing this to just get out and go threw it all over again? Will little C have a screwed up mom forever! God I hope not!
I need to be in my thoughts for a little while!
I hope all of you have an amazing weekend, you are all in my thought!!
love Lauren


Feisty Frida said...

Everyone is going to fall in love with you. Like I said in my email, I am so damn proud of you. You are SO brave!! Good work my dear friend, you are such a great woman, and phenominal mother...what a lucky little boy you have.

Love you,

lauren said...

Thank you so much my sweet sweet friend FF your belief in me is unreal!!
love lauren

Anonymous said...

I am so proud of you! And happy for you! I know it's scary but I have a really great feeling about this! Did you hear me, I just shouted "wahoo!"

Feisty Frida said...

No, actually, it's very very real!


Feisty Frida said...

I second that "WAHOOO!" Sarah.

lauren said...

ff- right back at ya!!!
xoxo love lauren!!!

Sarah- I so wish I could yell it back but just hold me to the fact that I will one day yell that back to you!!! Thank you
xoxo lauren

æ said...

WAHOO is right! Lauren, you are so lovable you are SUCH a good mom and a good friend. You are WORTH fighting for, you WILL beat this, and we will all support you!! However you need us!

You are so brave and strong and amazing.

I would imagine that all the therapy and especially the other women would be tough...but you know what? You are better than that. You DESERVE to be able to pick up your son and feel good about yourself. You are lovable, you are wonderful, people who get to really know you--like I think we have--we really, really love you. We feel drawn to you. You are phenomenal.

I cannot get over how amazing you are. Right now. I'm stunned.

Go Lauren GO!!!!


lauren said...

ae- I love you girl you always make me cry and in such a GOOD way so dont even think for a second otherwise!!!!!!
I treasure my friendships that I have made on here, I have never trusted anyone with my words the way I trust all of you!! Thank you so much for everything and no way you are the phenomenal one!!
hugs to you!!!
love lauren

Anonymous said...

i just stumbled across this and you should know that as a stranger i all ready love you and think you're great and am so happy that you are taking steps to get better

best of luck :)


sarah said...


omg, i'm doing a little dance of joy here, just for you, tonight at my desk. I know this must be so scary. all these women here are right, though - how could they NOT love you? you are so awesome, darling...a ray of light and love. remember that you've got a whole squad of cheerleaders backing you up as you take these brave steps, lean on us however you need to...

I know it won't be easy, but you are saving your life. That is amazing. That, my dear, is phenomenal. You rock! Little C's got a fantabulous, brave, awesome, inspiring, grabbing a hold of life Mommy!!!!!



PTC said...


I can't imagine the thoughts and feelings you are having right now. I wish you the best of luck and you will get through this. Little C. needs his mommy to be healthy. You will do it. Go get healthy!!

SugarKane said...

"They say I don't smile and that makes me look like a snob."

ME TOO. I hate it!!


I'm sure everyone will love you, and if at first they don't they will.

..everything will be okay. :)

Its gonna be a hard fight, but you CAN do it!


CG said...

SO so proud of you.

lauren said...

anon- thank you so much or kris, all the support is amazing!!!
xoxo lauren

lulu and PTC
you to are so wonderful and thank you both for all of your words and constant support to me!
love lauren

you rock girl thank you, funny how people judge isn't it? I guess it can teach us a lesson!!!
Take care sweetie, I hope your well
love lauren

thank you sweet one!!!
love lauren