Monday, April 9, 2007

Whats with the Salt Shaker?

This morning is bringing so many feelings up for me. I just got a phone call from my Dr. and she said that the VA will pay for treatment but that if I do the outpatient program that they will not pay for my housing which is just so not acceptable because that means almost 3 hours of driving everyday which is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO not gonna happen, that is all I need is to deal with traffic after eating 3 meals having to keep them down and hours of therapy no thank you! SO not sure if it will be inpatient or Out, were gonna fight them as far as the hotel situation goes! ERRRRR I want this over already!
I'm giving my landlord my 30 day notice today, not ready to and not really sure it is the right decision to make but I cannot afford to commute and have my apartment it is just to expensive. Shit I still have to buy diapers....and that is the least of my expenses.
Easter was really nice, quiet but such a great time, I loved watching little C go crazy during the Easter egg hunt, he is to funny......He would stop after about every 2 eggs he would find to eat the chocolate, it was all over his little face!
I had a rough day though, probably one of the worst thus far, I swear I thought I was gonna step on the scale and have gained 5 lbs with as much as I b/p but to my surprise I lost another lb. Thank god.....
Ok so I have a story for my night on Friday!
It was girls night out and so we went to sushi and then down to a bar in my town, this little Irish one that I just love. We got there about 9 and drank too much and ran into a bunch of people we had not seen in years so we decided about 12 that we needed a change in scenery so off we went to another bar, actually it is our local white trash bar, but always so much fun to go to! We get there start drinking and then this guy comes up and gives my friend S a salt shaker, and 2 seconds later his friend comes up and gives her another one. Well S is a very sensitive person to say the least and she started saying that she was going to leave because she felt like they were talking shit about her, so me being a protective friend and quite drunk decided to be miss big bad ass and confront these assholes, so I do and the guy totally starts being defensive and so I start being a total bitch and he then decides to call me a skinny cracked out ugly bitch which in turn I call him a fat f&ck ( i know terrible to say but shit I was pissed) then he tells me "why don't you just go kill yourself because no one would give a shit", at that point I walked away, and I hate to say it but I went up to my gf and walked into the back of the bar and completely lost it. I could not stop crying, my body got so stressed out and started the tingling thing so bad that my hands completely cramped up so I should not move them and I could barely talk because my mouth cramped shut. It was so f&cked up! It took me a few to collect myself and when I did everyone came up to me and told me how bad this guy felt and how sorry he was, I said f that I need a shot! So 2 shots of tequila later I decided I would let this guy talk to me. He totally said sorry like 50 times and told me that he thought that I was so beautiful and that he was just pissed because he knew that someone like me (whatever that means) would never give him a chance. I told him that for starters telling someone to go kill themselves is not the way to go. I told him I forgave him but all I keep hearing is him telling me how ugly I was and to kill myself! Who does that?
I was so pissed because this was not even about me, I was just trying to keep my friend from going home and look what happens, that's it I'm staying out of it from now on! Oh and I never did get an answer on the salt shaker!
Maybe that is why this weekend was so hard for me, I don't know but what I do know is that once again I'm tired~~


Feisty Frida said...

I think for now, giving up your apartment may be the best thing.

Wow, super crazy night at the bar, I'm glad he apologized after realizing what an ass he was. Sorry you had to deal with that.


lauren said...

FF- I knooooooow who acts like that anymore!! so glad its over! My dad is going to caal my landlord, I have chickened out!
God I'm lame
love lauren

Anonymous said...

I think the salt shaker may be referring to a NASTY song. I can't even find the lyrics without my server blocking it! Ugh. What a gross time!

Hey I think you are doing the right thing, even though it's hard. That picture of you and Little C, you are both so beautiful!


lauren said...

Thank you, I love that you visit my site, I hope you will continue!
Take care and happy Monday, Ugh I know!!! Can it please be Friday!
love lauren

Feisty Frida said...

Lame? You are far from being lame. Anyone who has the balls to give up their apartment, (regardless of who phones the landlord), move home with their parents and their child, and go into IP for 1 month or longer, is NOT lame. Not even close. You have no idea, but you are so so so so brave....many of us, I'm sure, wish we had the courage you do, to do what you're doing, to get better for yourself, and your little ham. That little boy is SO lucky to have such a strong, powerful, courageous, and beautiful mom like you.

SugarKane said...

Dont even give that dumbass at the bar your thoughts. You are absolutely beautiful and he had no right to say that!

About the therapy/out or inpatient thing.. good luck with it all. Im glad you're acting on it.

Im proud of ya for bein so strong!!


k said...

Lauren-You are sooo pretty! You have to get better. Yeah, Salt Shaker is a perverted song by the Ying Yang Twins. What creeps!
Giving up your apt. is worth your health. You'll get an even better one. Why are you hesistent about staying in the hospital. I'm just scared if you are outpatient, you will stay purge and night. Maybe you should go IP for a little, the go outpatient.

Unknown said...

My mouth cramps up when I get upset, too :/ also my throat closes up. I know how painful that can be. Those guys were obviously wastes of flesh and I hope their words didn't hurt you too much, since you're worth so much more than you give yourself credit for. I hope you're feeling better today :3

sarah said...

hi lauren,
I'm sorry you had to deal with such jerks at the bar the other night. I'm also totally inspired by the steps you're taking these days - I think moving out of your apartment probably is the best choice, though it might be hard. I was thinking though, for little C, if you DO go IP, then it might be easier for him, if he's already living where he'll be living while you're away. So maybe moving in with your dad now is the best choice.

By the way, you, my dear, look absolutely gorgeous in that pic of you and little C. I wish you could see what I see. (Isn't that always the case?)

Have a beautiful day, sweet mommy Lauren.

love lulu