Friday, April 6, 2007

Chocolate Easter Chocolate ahhhhhhh

Ok so starting to freak out about Easter and having to be around my mom and family this weekend, it is so hard to sneak away when they are all watching me like a hawk.
Oh and the unbelievable amounts of chocolate and candy! I cannot even begin to tell you how bad that scares me!
Little C has his own Easter party on Saturday which I'm really excited about because I love watching him do the Easter egg hunts and seeing the excitement all over his face!!! What a silly little man he is. He has been such a good boy lately and has had a bit more structure since staying at my dads.
Ok so I need a bit of help from anyone who will offer it up to me!
Situation is:
My dad wants (or asked) me to give up my apartment, and said he wants me to move into his house until I get my stuff together instead of paying rent on a place I have stayed in like 7 times! I want my place and I want to have my freedom but it kills me paying rent every month when I don't even get to stay there, that and my damn landlord keeps calling to check on me because he says nobody has seen me around and it is driving me nuts, why is he so freaking nosey!
I would rather be living in another apartment but maybe I should just move there and save money and wait until I find a place that I LOVE! I don't know what to do I feel like such a child.
WTF do I do? Please help!

Ok enough whining for now!!

Well I went to the Dr today for a poopy pap and got on that scale and it read the same as mine so that is it I'm never getting on that other scale again! EVER! EVER EVER!!!!
I'm feeling like such a huge sloppy fat ass it is driving me nuts, I just want to grab every bit of loose fat I have and chop it off so that I can have none and be bones and skin!! Sounds good to me!
To easy though!

Well I hope all of you have and amazing Easter and weekend!!!


PTC said...

Happy Easter, Lauren.

I know we can't really tell you what you should do, but maybe moving in with your dad is a good idea. Think of the pros. You wouldn't have to pay rent and you'd save money. You'd have someone to help you through things. Might be a good thing. Think about it.

Mary said...

That's a tough one Lauren. If your dad is respectful of you needing space while also living in his house, it may not be a bad idea until you are feeling stronger. And you would know it is only temporary. But do what is best for you, either way.

And I so hear you about the Easter candy... blah! Oh well. Take care!

Feisty Frida said...

I think if your parents will respect your space and privacy, then maybe until you're in treatment, and out, and healthy, you should give up your's only temporary until you're healthy and can then find an apartment you love.
