Monday, April 28, 2008

Hi guys..........
I'm starving! Why do I do this to myself?


Carla said...

I wish I had some magical words.
All I can say, though, is to be gentle with yourself.

Mary said...

I wish I knew how to make you (and all of us) believe:

You deserve nourishment

Your body isn't your enemy

You are beautiful

You are worthy of love

Eat a little bit of something that feels safe, and breathe. You can do this!


Anonymous said...

I wish I could give you an answer, love. I wish I had one for myself.
Just know that you are loved and you're not alone.


Sarah said...

I don't know, honey, you sure don't deserve to starve. I wish I had an easy answer. Please take care of yourself, you are so precious.


Spiky Zora Jones said...

lauren...sweetie, please take care of yourself. You do what you need to to get healthy. Please don't starve yourself.

Please...sweetie. You have so many that love you and care for you. I don't have to tell you, I am one of them. You need to do it for you and that is also doing it for us.

I know you can get past this baby...I know it...I believe in you.

So I cry...because I don't have any advice. I don't know what you're going through...but I know if you look deep into your heart, you can find the strength to lift you up. I see it in you.

Anonymous said...

Sweetie, please take care of yourself!
Don't starve yourself ... there's no point there!

Feisty Frida said...

Just know that I love you Lauren. Please eat.