Thursday, April 3, 2008


I want to go today, I want to go today, I want to go today, I want to go today!!!!!
I have to keep telling myself that or else I will cancel!!! My jaw is killing me my headaches are freaking stupid, and I'm a huge woman today!! Ick I hate calling myself a woman. Anyone ever feel that way? That word is a really hard one for me, makes me so uncomfortable. Anxiety well I don't even want to go there because my chest really hurts today. I better not be asked to weigh today because I won't. Stubborn, call me what you will but, that is ~MY FINAL ANSWER~!


Jade said...

I don't really like the "w" word (woman)either. Maybe its because we never learned to like the girl in us before we could like the woman? Thats the theory I use for me anyways.

You're doing the right thing by addressing your "issues" just don't feel like you have to take them on all at once. Prioritize, see what needs addressed the most, then go from there.

You've got tons of people caring for you, rooting you on, and wanting to be there for ya. Let us do it! :-) my thoughts are with you as they always are my friend.

PTC said...

I don't consider myself a "woman" either. I'm a girl, yes, but not a woman. Hope it went well today.

Mary said...

Hey girl, I hope you went and you feel a little better.

And yeah, notice I'm disordered girl not woman? :-)

Spiky Zora Jones said...

I've considered myself a woman way too early in life. I feel as if I had a short childhood. There is a reason for that.

Sweetie...I see you as a strong woman. I know you are stronger than you have a great support group to help you in any way possible. Follow your heart but keep in mind all that goes with it. I love you strong and have courage. We are Amazon women and though sometimes we have defeats, we will not be defeated.

kisses and hugs for you sweet lauren.

sarah said...

hi sweet sister lauren,
thinking of you, hoping you're feeling some calm today and that it went okay at your can do this, you really can. and I too have trouble calling myself a "woman" - I think that's pretty common, really. but I also think that learning to embrace my "woman-ness" (ugh!) is part of my healing...

love love love, I hope you're having a happy weekend!!!!


Anonymous said...

So ... what's up, doc?

Sarah said...

hi my lovely sweet sister. how are you? how was it?
