Monday, January 28, 2008

Taking a break!!!

Feelings,,,,,need to be honest but feeling really no support from here lately and just needing to pause for a bit or just go private completely! This place I come to for me and others and there are a select few of you (you know who you are) that are here for me always and I love you for it, but I really feel like I put in so much into others and am just not wanting to put myself out there when I can write it in a journal instead of making my life known to everyone and being ignored Ugh just feeling like I need a wall here and that is never what I have wanted to feel!!! I hate that I feel pathetic about this! Those of you that have my email please feel free to email if you like.
I will still check in with others.

Not forever just for a bit! Please Dg, email when you have more info on Feb visit!!!!!!



Jade said...

Aww girly I'm sorry you're feeling this way. What kind of support are you needing? Be specific so people know how to be there for you.
I totally understand not wanting all your private feelings/emotions out for everyone to inspect, but please don't isolate. You don't have to use your blog to process all the time, you can just coast for a while blogging about daily events. Just don't withdraw, thats a step towards a slippery slope in my opinion. Stay visible girl. We love you..

And hey..if you're wanting to write in a journal, I heard some cute brunette got you one. She jacked up the first page, but there's plenty others to write on!

You call me if you need anything!

PTC said...

:( I don't have your email so you need to email me so I have it. I hope some time off helps a bit.

quintarantino said...

Oh, that's a pity... now where can I visit my "little rosie" that´s always mumbling around but is a real darling and a cutie? Gee, I'm already missing you...

Sarah said...

I miss you already. Is there anything we can do to give you more support?


Mary said...

Hey girl,
I understand your feelings--you have continued to be a regular supporter of me and I don't take that lightly at all. I value hearing what is going on and always hope you are taking care of you. Sometimes blogging (and keeping up with everyone else) gets totally overwhelming and we lose sight of the reason we started writing through our feelings in the first place, so a break is good.

I will deffo be in touch soon about my trip. I can't wait!!


quintarantino said...

thank you. Those are the eyes of the one with the broken wrist. Ana Sofia she is.

Carla said...

I'm sorry I haven't been around, my love. I hope you know you can always call me and I look forward to meeting up with you and DG soon!

Feisty Frida said...

You have my contact info,let's keep in touch.

Love you so much.

æ said...

hi DG,
oh no! I'm sorry, I am definitely one of the people who cares about you and hasn't been good about showing you that and keeping up. I have been feeling that myself.

I want you to know that my lapse in showing up here and letting you know how proud I am of you and how much I care about you (because that's true! always true!) has nothing to do with you not deserving it. You deserve it. I have been barely online and then kind of spacey when I am. And I am pretty awful at remembering to check private blogs, which is ironic since mine is private, huh? But really, I am bad about that and so I put little "(private)" signs next to names like Em has to remind myself and STILL I have a hard time following through without a feed.

Well of course none of that is your fault^^, it's me, but I wanted to let you know a little bit about why I let the ball drop and be sure you know it's my mistake, not you.

I want you to know how much I appreciate how fully you share yourself here and how deeply you engage in everything you do. You have been full of life here from the start and that lights up this whole place. I'll miss you during your break and hope that you'll come back.

take good care.

Soledad said...

Hey Lauren,

I came over to post cause I haven't in a while and found your concerns to be right on the money. I am sorry you are feeling this way, but I really do understand. I definatly do not post with regularity on your, or anyone's blog, right now. Please take the time you need. I think there has been a general blahness going around blog world lately. I know I felt it. But you have my email if you need anything. Take care you of you:)



Anonymous said...

don't go! i've only just got here after such a long time!

i love your blog, and you! i'm always on your team lauren, i think you are an angel.
