Monday, July 23, 2007

B DAY!!!!!!!!

AHHHHHH I'm sooooooooooooooooooooo nervous about tomorrow. Am I dong the right thing? What am I talking about of course I am, I'm just scared, surgery is never fun and the biggest downfall is that I will not be able to pick up my little man for 3 weeks. I can hold him but not unless someone picks him up and puts him in my arms! He is gonna not agree to this I can tell you that for sure right now. He has been so attached to me lately, my mom likes to say " he would crawl inside you if he could" meaning he is that attached, and that is the truth.
This weekend went pretty good, I had a few slip ups but I'm not going to be hard on myself about them, live and learn and that is really all I can do. I just wish they and the urges would disappear.
My gf S and I went looking at a house which I hope and think went well but will see what they say. Her mom has already said that she will co-sign for us if she needs to which will be nice. Hopefully we won't need that though. The house is a pretty good size and the yard is HUGE which is great. We decided that we will take the garage and turn it into a playroom for the boys, I told S there is no way I can live in a house that looks like a daycare. Little c has a lot of toys but I have never let my house look like it was run by a kid and I'm not about to start now.
I ended up spending all day with S and her twins which was an experience to say the least! Really her boys a good but so different from C. One of hers is a total bully and the other is a whiner, Chance falls really no where near either, so because of that they all got along pretty well. Which is good!
I am a bit nervous about living with two more kids because I see how stressed she gets with them, but I think it would and will be good for both of us to have some help considering kids tend to listen a bit more to people who are not there parents.
Will see won't we!
My poor body is gonna be so sore I hate the thought of more pain and pain meds, but I also know they will help me sleep through alot of the pain so that is good. ERRRRRRRR how did this all happen?
My sister is still being a royal bitch, no word from her at all which sucks but Im getting used to it I guess, she is such a damn chicken shit!
I get to quit smoking today to which sucks but I know I will feel so much better with out it! Will I ever find a good habbit????? God I hope so!


æ said...

can blogging be considered a good habit?? ;)

lauren, thinking of you and wishing you the best for your surgery tomorrow. be careful with yourself, dear. we need you around here.


Sarah said...

Good luck tomorrow love! I will be praying. Hang in there sista!


Carla said...

I'll be thinking of you tomorrow, as always. Please post and let us know how everything went. I'd say post pictures, but, anyways...hehe.

Love you!

Oh, and good for you for not getting down on yourself for your Oops moments. We live, we learn and we move on, right?

Soledad said...

Ugh! Smoking. Yeah I battle (d) this one too. It is like anything else my dear a little at a time. I have the odd cigarette from time to time these once a month...I save it for the really bad ones. I hear your pain baby! No one is perfect:)

I will be thinking of you during your surgery!


Feisty Frida said...

Let us know when you're out, so we know you're a-ok. You'll get through this lickity-split, and be able to pick Little C up again soon!!!


Carrie Arnold said...

Big hugs to you. When I had ankle surgery, it must have been a slow night in the orthopedic ward, and one of the nurses sat there all night and chatted with me to help me through the pain. Think of C and all of us bloggers cheering for you.

There are good habits out there, I'm sure. I just don't know what they are! ;)

sarah said...

hi sweetie,
thinking of you, hope you are safe and well and not in a ton of pain...


æ said...

thinking of you. take care.


Sarah said...

thinking of you. I hope all went well and you are resting.

sista sarah

sarah said...

still thinking of you, lauren!

PTC said...

Just checking in to see how you're doing??

Sarah said...

just checking in! hope you are healing well! thinking of you.
