Thursday, June 19, 2008

Not to much to say but wanting you to all know I love you and thank you for your support!!!! I'm still here and still trying to breathe!


PTC said...

I've been worried about you!!!!

Anonymous said...

Me too! Much love, dear. I hope you're feeling better than before.

Beth said...

What are you doing this weekend? Let us know how it goes!

Sarah said...

love you too. keep holding on sweet sister.


Mary said...

Me too girl, me too. Happy Monday!

Anonymous said...

And don't you dare stop breathing or get away from here!

being the change said...

hey lauren. thinking of you. one day at a time, girl. one day at a time. xoxox

Spiky Zora Jones said...

Hi lauren...I wanted to see how you were doing. I know things will be okay honey. I really do think that for you. I have positive thoughts and love for you...breathe. :D

Anonymous said...

Hello ...